Eve nexus mods fallout new vegas
Eve nexus mods fallout new vegas

eve nexus mods fallout new vegas
  1. #Eve nexus mods fallout new vegas mod#
  2. #Eve nexus mods fallout new vegas full#

Now, you have to pick perks every two levels instead of picking one every level. It still retains the action RPG gameplay of Fallout 3, but this time around, there is much more to it. The engine was not improved at all, however, the gameplay has changed in some very good ways. However, when I finally bought this game on my PC, my concerns were put to rest when I realized that this game was actually very different from Fallout 3. I felt like Obsidian Entertainment was taking the Call of Duty approach with this game (Making the game on the exact same engine, little to no improvements to it whatsoever). At first, I was not too sure about the idea behind this game. Fallout 3 was a pretty fun game, however, there was just so much more to this game that made me love it just a little more. While most critics would like to disagree with me, I actually like this game better than Fallout 3. … ExpandĪll I can say about this game right off the bat, is that it is right up there with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as one of the greatest video All I can say about this game right off the bat, is that it is right up there with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as one of the greatest video games I have ever played. Really though the best way to describe it is it makes the fallout 3 world seem boring. If it wasn't for the mods i would have to take off a point or 2. Oh and if you get stuttering get the d3d9 file, and if you have ati get the alternative d3d9 file so you can still use transparency mutisampling. Im already using over 10 mods just as longer days, smaller ui, centered raised camera, perk every level etc.

#Eve nexus mods fallout new vegas mod#

But literally a new mod is released by the hour since they only have to be ported over. Of course your on the same engine, so some of the same problems exist. Really a lot more depth in the world and just overall better. Obsidian has taken a decent game and made it great. Take fallout 3, expand it, add more diversity, add more interesting locations, triple the amount of factions, add a better theme, and add more immersion and you have fallout NV. Take fallout 3, expand it, add more diversity, add more interesting locations, triple the amount of 27 hours in, just getting started. These quests are only playable after Dead Money is installed.27 hours in, just getting started.

eve nexus mods fallout new vegas eve nexus mods fallout new vegas eve nexus mods fallout new vegas

Goodsprings, Novac, Boulder City, New Vegas Strip NCR fame or 5 scrap metal, conductor, sensor moduleīig Book of Science and Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle cap Tri-beam laser rifle, Brotherhood of Steel fame

#Eve nexus mods fallout new vegas full#

Old Vaquero or Full Maintenance perk for Raul Novac, Camp McCarran or Camp Forlorn Hope, Nellis Air Force Base Overseer's computer password, Vault 3 maintenance keyĢ50 caps and good or bad Karma/NCR infamy Nellis artillery timing details and various amounts of caps New Vegas (and Sierra Madre with Dead Money add-on) casinosĬaps, suites, banned from gambling at the casinosĬaesar's Legion fame and various supplies Positive Karma, 50 bottle caps or negative Karma, 60 XP Vance's lucky hat (optional), Vikki's bonnet (optional), Vance's 9mm submachine gun These are quests that can be completed for certain rewards, but do not appear in your Pip-Boy. However, you can still fail quest arcs earlier than this due to infamy etc.įor more information on the scenarios surrounding the game end quests see Fallout: New Vegas endings. Once you side with a faction you can change to another faction's quest arc, only if you have not progressed down the preceding faction's quests to the point that you fail the other quest arcs from gaining infamy.Ĭompleting parts of certain quests for a faction will cause you to fail other quest arcs no matter what. The point at which you fail the other factions' quests varies depending on your actions and quests already completed. As you follow the main quest arc for a single faction, the quests for the other factions (with the exception of Independent/Yes Man quests) will fail as you gain infamy for siding against them when you progress through the quests for whichever faction you side with. Main quest arcsįor these quests you must choose one faction to be loyal to. Note: you can skip the entire story-line of They Went That-a-Way and head straight to The Tops in New Vegas to complete the quest.

Eve nexus mods fallout new vegas